Tuesday, September 15, 2015

More Power in Colder Temps

Did you know that our solar panels make more power the colder it gets? This is awesome, the rest of the world has reduced power output due to higher temperatures while we capitalize on more power in colder temps. Even with our Rainy and cloudy weather we can still make Solar power. We use solar power to capture rain water as well (Tyonek Gardens). Come talk to us, let us know what you think, tell us your story, or let us tell you one!!! RE4AK!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Did you know you can help support Solar energy locally even if you cannot install it yourself? For as little at $2 a month you can sign up today and support Renewable Energy here in Fairbanks. Call 458-5870 or email snap@gvea.com and start supporting local Green Energy. Golden Valley's SNAP program provides incentives from local contributors like you to fund Renewable Energy projects, provide green energy incentives, and promote Renewable Energy projects in the interior. Thank you for making Alaska a little greener. Don't forget to come see us at the Fair for our newest Solar packages designed to reduce your cost of power FOREVER!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fairbanks Locals Gaining Solar Energy

Congratulations to the Okray's, they are now producing more than 3,000 watts of solar power year round from a new adjustable pole mount Solar array. It looks great in the yard right next to the Garden. Go Green or Go Home!! Have a great weekend Fairbanks.